Centre for Life Skills Learning(CLSL) is a registered non-profit organization that works for holistic development of young people. CLSL was founded with a view to assist and guide an individual, for the development of rural and tribal areas, to give life skill learning, to enhance the overall development in the areas such as health, education, agriculture, environment, research, sports, arts and culture. It has an expansion to seven states of India namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Manipur. The head office being located in the heart of Tamil Nadu coordinates its various expansion.
CLSL encourages and monitors people to enhance skills so that they may independently explore their potential to deal with life challenges and engage themselves in to deciding better life option. The programs thus implemented by CLSL give precautions to reduce risk situations and life threatening events during a human lifespan. CLSL supports social reformation to stimulate individual minds in terms of policy and programs enhancement and generations to come.

Vellaparakunnu colony is located in the thick rainforest region of Palakkad District of Kerala. The place is inhabited by Malasar tribal community with almost 28 households. People in this region lives in houses which are constructed with palm leaves and plastered with mud without any proper toilet and sanitation facilities. The condition becomes more pathetic during heavy monsoon season. The economic condition of the residents of this hamlet is observed to be deteriorating day by day. As a result of this, people are not able to come out of vicious circle of poverty and it has adversely affected the health, hygiene and nutritional standards of the region.
Understanding the pathetic scenario, CLSL took initiative to provide proper housing facility to people. After conducting a vulnerability survey of houses, 18 families were identified and CLSL constructed pacca houses for those identified families. Thus a dream of a safe house for those people became true. CLSL took several measures to prevent unhygienic living conditions they were facing and for their better healthy life. Medical camps were organized, every month. Food kits were distributed every month among them for them to have a nutritious life. Another victory of CLSL was that they made them socially balanced. The life of the people in there changed, after the adoption. They started living in a safe house. With the support of CLSL they became economically balanced.
The people of Panamaram village in Wayand District were in need of food during Coivd-19 lockdown. When the corona hits our state their suffering increased. CLSL distributed food and dresses in various part of Kerala for those who suffered due to the pandemic. As part of that, CLSL reached Panamaram village and realized the real issues they were facing in day to day life. The CLSL team has observed that proper roofing was not done over their mud houses and as a result of this rainwater enters to houses giving them sleepless nights. With the support of Manju Warier foundation, CLSL provided and constructed polythene roofs for 47 houses. This was a great relief for the economically backward people like them.
When the Covid 19 pandemic hit our country, the students were compelled to attend the online classes. It turned out that so many students don’t have mobile phones and other electronic devices to access the classes from their home. The unavailability of digital devices has led the students of tribal and vulnerable communities to a dropout from mainstream education system. To support their education CLSL distributed televisions among various clubs and anganvadis in the tribal colonies with the support of Janamythri police. It enabled the children to have their online classes without any interruptions. This was a great opportunity that CLSL has provided for the future representations of our country. Not only televisions but CLSL provided mobile phones for those in need.
CLSL has actively helped the people when the novel corona virus hit our country. Since then, CLSL have been relentlessly providing our services to the vulnerable group of people. At the time of lockdown there aroused economic crisis among the people. It affected the livelihood of many. It put them in a state where they could not afford their food, dress, or essential hygiene items such as sanitizers, mask, soap etc. while the volunteers of CLSL were working to provide food, hygiene kits, dresses to the poor, we were also creating awareness about the virus and prevention of spreading, importance of social distancing and providing shelter.
Agriculture as part of the ‘Save the Farmers’ program CLSL bought the vegetable from the farmers directly which helped the farmers to gain profit while they were facing lose due to pandemic and we distributed the vegetable kit among the people for free.
We bought almost 30 tons of vegetables from them and distributed. CLSL almost covered 6000houses in providing free food and vegetable kit. Another successful measure they took was construction of a free vegetable shop. Whoever comes there can have vegetables for free.
CLSL bought mangos from the farmers of Muthalamada where the most mango harvest is done in Kerala as part of save Muthalamada program. Thus we introduced virtual marketing method by buying mangos directly from the farmers and sold it all over Kerala. We sold almost 60 tons of mangos. Thereby CLSL helped both the farmers and the people who are stuck inside their home due to pandemic.
What more can be so wonderful in such a scenario when the hospitals its self came to us. Yes, such a wonderful idea was implemented by CLSL in the name ‘sancharikkunna aasupathri’.
The pandemic has triggered mental health issue among people and CLSL provided free psycho social counselling for the people. Free medical camps were conducted every month in almost all colonies.
CLSL gifted television among 28 colonies as the students faced difficulties to watch their online classes. They not only gave television but also provided electric connection to the TV.
CLSL gifted mobile phones for the students in need and one study material kit were distributed among students.
Young mind is being considered as the most productive member of society due to their physical and mental intellectual capacity. They are facing many issues like low self-esteem, poverty, suicidal temptation, unemployment, lack of education importance etc. most of them are unable to utilize their potential in an appropriate way due to lack of guidance and motivation.
The project Abhyudaya aims at providing skill development training program to the youth of marginalized and vulnerable community residing within the territory of Kerala, especially in Palakkad area. Through this project 2580 young people were trained during the year 2015-2021. 120 youth from colleges, youth club, and other community organizations are trained on the first batch, was done in coordination with EKTHA PARISHAD and LEAD College. This program mainly focuses on the improvisation of leadership quality among young people. This helps them to develop their self-confidence andthereby making them capable to stand for the development of their society.